Happy Lotus Yellow Packs. Sweet xTalk is near the corner.
Albert Buendia  October 8 2009
Albert Buendia  October 8 2009

Happy Notes alarm. As Denny Russell blogged, sweet xTalk. Can't wait to try it out. Remember. The date is approaching.

Declan Sciolla-Lynch on 7/31/2009 "I think I have all the basics covered and everything should be completed in time for the 8.5.1 launch. "

Santa Claus / San Nicholas is yellow. This year we'll have "Lotus Yellow packs" (Notes/Domino 8.5.1+Traveler 8.5.1+ Designer free + xTalk....".

Sweet xTalk

Image:Happy Lotus Yellow Packs. Sweet xTalk is near the corner.

Waiting news from my hero.


Happy Lotus Yellow Packs. Sweet xTalk is near the corner.