It’s not possible to put the NSF Domino Blog V12 for public download but .....
Martín Ortega  Septiembrer 7 2021
Martín Ortega  Septiembrer 7 2021
For legal reasons it is not possible to put this NSF for public download but we can send it to anyone who uses HCL Domino.
Now the NSF is on the ESLUG server, we are in V11, we will upgrade to 12 next.

When I tried it for the first time in V11 there was a problem with searches, we solved it in the ESLUG, in this new example I am using the V12 Blog Template, I see that this issue is already fixed by HCL

The moment is already sent to America, Europe and Australia, I need a request from Asia and Africa, I do not include Antarctica because I do not think we have visits from that continent but from a relatively close place, The Vega Islands (Norway), I think was the first site that the NSF sent or maybe it was Uruguay, I don't know, but those were the first.

Waiting for requests from Asia and Africa.

If you want the NSF, please send an email to martinsidra400 from Gmail dot com, I will reply to you with the NSF attached.

Link to NSF

Blog for DummiesBlog para Torpes

It’s not possible to put the NSF Domino Blog V12 for public download but .....